Lt. Ferdinand Nandor Fischmann

The 50.Halfbrigade

  Volker Jeschkeit

Ulrich Mößlang Optik Heydenreich der  Tauchbrillenspezialist  und  zertifizierter Sport-Optiker  
Fernkampfwerke, Bunker, Infanteriestützpunkte, Stellungen und Festungen der Österreicher und Ex Forte der Italiener aus dem ersten Weltkrieg in den Alpen, Dolomiten, Verona, Venezien und Friaul.  Denkmäler in München, Bayern und dem Rest der Welt.


The 50.Halfbrigade

Commander: Colonel Spiegel


At the beginning of war declared by Italy 23rd of May 1915, the only military unit for the defence of South Tyrol was the 91.Infantry division. This division wasn’t complete and parts of it were almost in training because formed by volunteers and police troops. The artillery armourment was taken from Fortress and Reserve arsenals and of old type guns, like 12cm,15cm/M61 and 9cm/M75.

Part of this division is the 50.Halfbrigade under the command of Colonel Spiegel which was sent in the Judicarien area to defend the frontline in these high mountains.

The order of battle of this small Brigade is: 

Battalion No.163 of the territorial defence (Reserve Battalion). 

Battalion “Klausen”

Battalion”Bezau”, both battalions are formed by volunteer riflemen of the local  population, most of them very old (older than 45 years) but they are experienced mountain guides and sharpshooters. 

1/4 of pioneer battalion Nr.14. 

Units of the Fortification belt of Ladaro, mostly small Fortress artillery detachments. 

One Detachment of Kaiserschützenregiment Nr.II, this was a unit of the regular territorial defence of South Tyrol. 

Small units of the 3. and of Fortress Artillery Battalion No.4 from Riva-Lake Garda. 

This small Force had to defend a section of 20Km of mountain. 

In August 1916 the Half brigade was reinforced by the 1.Reserve Battalion/37.Infantryregiment. This was a royal Hungarian military unit, located at Riva. 

Hungarian military units are fighting since the beginning of war elsewhere in South Tyrol.

The 37.IR was located at the Fortress of Trento and in the Riva and Judicarien defence sections.

The 39.IR was located in the Ortler area, another high mountain defence section in the northwest of South Tyrol. 


The 49. Infantry division (former Pustertal division)

Commander: Lieutenant Field Marschall Franz Steinhart 

This division sent 2 Infantry brigades: Brigade No.97 located at Tonale fortification belt and Brigade No.98, located in the Judicarien area in January 1918. 

In both military units (50.Halfbrigade and 49.Infantry division) served Lieutenant Fischmann. We are hopefully to find out the number of his battery.

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